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Mom On-the-Go Wellness Bundle -Brushstroke

Mom On-the-Go Wellness Bundle -Brushstroke


Living that busy mom life AND maintaining natural wellness life is sometimes a bit of a hard balance. This bundle is a fantastic way to support that natural lifestyle and to meet your wellness needs while living that on-the-go busy mom life. 


This set comes with a hand-crafted anti-microbial cork snap pouch.  The anti-microbial properties work to help fight and kill any bacteria that land on it, it is water-resistant, hypo-allergenic, and it is a wonderful vegan natural resource. 


Two hand-blended essential oil blends also come with this set:


Headache Ease - to fight those pesky tension and stress headaches or the ones that the allergies bring in too... (This blend is a mixture of mint and lavender with earthy undertones)


Liquid Calm - the blend that is a like a jolt to the system. It literally stops the stress and anxiety and replaces it with a bit of calm and clear focus. This blend has a very floral overtone and then fades into grounding and calming stress-relieving undertones)


Size: The essential oil blends are 10 ml roller bottles

The cork snap pouch easily fits two roller bottles and any credit cards you need during your busy day.

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