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Back to School Natural Wellness Support

Updated: Aug 3, 2023

picture of healthy school aged kids

Wow! I can NOT believe it is already almost that time of the year. The stores are already prepping and putting out the school supplies, the lists of what the students need, and all of the fun organizing items that goes with school supplies (at least I always thought they were fun). Beyond seeing the fall stuff pop out early, the back to school sales would be my second most favorite early releases.... I know -I am a total nerd, but that is 100% ok.

So, really, the kiddos are going to be going back to school, daycare, or even maybe a co-op situation for some of the kiddos that are not schooled publicly (like my own three kiddos). This is the time of the year when germs multiply like a million fold and spread from kiddo to kiddo...especially if you have a little one. Those littles are still learning to control their sneezes, wash their hands, and not cough over everyone and everything. Not yours of course, I am sure that you taught yours all of the right ways to help keep those germs to themselves.

What are we to do then - how do we help support our kiddos immune system naturally BEFORE they get to the point where they are uncontrollably and miserably sick?

I promise - we will get there - but first let me enlighten you on how it all began for me and WHY I ultimately felt the need to switch over to a different way of living.

Please don't get me wrong - all of the tips I give here are great tips for natural wellness support. It does not mean that a kiddo will absolutely NOT get sick. Germs are germs and the flu is a nasty bug that is very contagious. However, the great thing about these products is that they help support the immune system so that if by chance they DO get a bug or some form of virus, their body is better able to handle it, has an easier time fighting it, and potentially even gets over the bug or virus much more quickly than someone who does not naturally support their everyday immune system.


Where did we begin?

When I was in the classroom, before I started using essential oils and herbs for wellness support, I was ALWAYS getting sick. It seemed like I would have some form of a virus or sore throat at least one week out of the four in a month. I can remember my son, especially, would get sick ALL of the time. I was sooooo tired of taking all of the medicines that the Dr. would prescribe, and on top of that there were so many side effects that I just did not like. I hated the fact that my kids could not stay well either and that it seemed to be an endless loop. We were also looking at that time at all of the toxins and unnatural products that were being added to our medicines and it was not looking pretty at all.

It just seemed unending and I NEEDED a way to fight these germs naturally that allowed for the best immune support but that had a great smell to it (I am a sensory person after all and LOVE all the smells). I began diffusing essential oils in the classroom, rolling oils on my person, and spraying the room with oils after the kiddos left. I started the day with oils and ended the day with oils. For us, as a family, this was the easiest place to start because I could involve the kids in this too.

Not only did I notice a HUGE change in my own wellbeing, but I noticed that the kiddos in the classroom had less bugs. They would even let me know the days I DID not have the diffuser on that they wanted it turned on. I also noticed a HUGE increase in their focus, attention, and less behavior challenges. I started realizing that the essential oils not only benefited their immune system and helped to clear the air of impurities, but they also helps the kiddos and I in amazing other ways too. I can even remember bringing my own personal kids into the classroom on their lunch break when no one was around and rolling oils all over their feet. Aaahhhh that was the best of times - I can still hear the laughs and squeals from their little bodies as I got to apply these amazing oils to their little toes to help support their immune system. Great memories for sure those squeals (a bit sad too as my oldest little is now a TEENAGER!)...


I am sure you are wondering why I have shared that story - "Just get to the meat" you are probably telling me right at this moment.

Ok - here you go - Honestly, there are a TON of ways that you can naturally support your kiddos natural health and wellness through herbs, essential oils, use of more natural toxin-free products, and even, believe it or not, their diet!

I am going to give you the top 5 products I would absolutely recommend you have on hand this year as an everyday immune builder and wellness support option for ALL of you in the house - including even the littles.

Top 5 Immune Support Builders for Back to School


Please note - I am NOT a trained physician, nor do I claim to be. I am merely a wife and mom that has researched and used natural health and wellness practices on myself and my family for years with amazing and consistent results. If you are looking for natural and homeopathic alternatives to health and wellness these are some items I highly suggest based on our own findings to help support a healthy immune system and as a preventative of severe viruses and illnesses. These do not, however, take the place of a physician's treatments or directives. Please do not hesitate to seek medical help if you feel that you or your family member needs further support or diagnosis.


Disclaimer: Some links on this post contain affiliate links. Each time you click on a link and purchase, I earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. See full disclosure further down.

Colloidal silver for natural wellness support

#1 - Colloidal Silver

If you have not heard about this product - this is a GAME CHANGER and one you absolutely NEED to think about investing in for all things natural health and wellness.

Colloidal Silver, a solution of tiny silver particles suspended in a liquid base, is an amazing anti-microbial immune support that attacks virus and germ cells at their source. In fact, the use of silver as a health remedy goes back as far as 1500 B.C. Here's more on how it works in and for our body.

In ancient times people would use silver vessels to transport water and for the storage of wine and food due to its ability to fight bacteria and delay spoilage of the food and drinks. They would use silver utensils to help fight the bubonic plaque, and the Chinese even used silver chopsticks for the same reasons. In more recent times, silver was used in a variety of ways to help prevent infection and disease. In the early 1800s silver sutures were used to prevent post-operative infections. Newborns were given a small amount of silver nitrate in their eyes to fight conjunctivitis and prevent blindness. In War times soldiers would carry silver leaf dressings to help fight infection. Even NASA chose to use silver ions for water purification on the International Space Station. So you can see - Silver itself has had a heavy influence over the ages of natural health and wellness support.

As a note-the FDA does not recommend this product be ingested orally, as just with other products it can have adverse reactions if overused, and as with other products it can interfere with prescription medications. This article here gives more information on why the FDA does not suggest it for internal use. Yet, they still greatly approve the use of silver ions and colloidal silver products for external health and wellness support. That choice is 100% completely up to you - but as a natural product lover and user- for our family this product ABSOLUTELY WORKS and we have used it for 10+ years.

Here are just a few things in our own household that we have used colloidal silver for, both internally and externally:

*Virus, cold and flu support (1 tsp dose 3 times a day for the length of the virus)

*Ear infections (put colloidal silver directly in infected ear, let sit 5 minutes, then allow to drain / repeat as necessary until infection is gone)

*Pink eye / conjunctivitis (Place a few drops of silver into the eye 3 times a day until symptoms are gone)

*Immune support (1 tsp daily; when around others who have shown signs of sickness 1 tsp twice a day for 3 days for extra support)

*Anti-bacterial cleanse (when cuts or abrasions occur simply rinse the area off with silver, then dress as needed.

*Ulcers / sore throat rinse (gargle twice to three times a day as needed for a sore throat and/or ulcers in the mouth)

There are so many brands and options available out there. Be sure to do your research or use a quality recommended source to ensure you get the best quality product for your money. This brand (pictured above also) has a great product that also host 98% bio-active silver, which means that 98% of the silver ions in the product are effective at promoting natural health and wellness. A great combination for you, your spouse, your little ones, and any others on this natural journey with you.

#2 - Elderberry Syrup

Elderberry syrup for natural health and wellness

Elderberry is another serious game changer for natural health and wellness support. Elderberry is now everywhere we look in the forms of syrups, lozenges, gummies for immune support, and you can even now find it added to juices.

Elderberry is another natural product that has been used for hundreds of years to support natural health and wellness. It is a superfruit that is high in antioxidants, vitamin c, vitamin A, and also hosts anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties. Here is a much more detailed post about all of the amazing benefits that you can receive with elderberry products. It has been shown to help prevent and/or lesson viral symptoms of colds, the flu and other air-borne viruses. It also boost brain power and function, supports a healthy immune system, reduce blood sugar, lower cholesterol, improve bowel function, prevent constipation, and even promote healthy skin and decrease signs of aging if used topically. For our purposes and in our home, we have found that the best immune support from elderberry comes in the form of elderberry syrup.

My favorite elderberry syrup comes from That Elderberry Chick! I actually met her in person once at a market and got to hear a little bit about their story. I LOVE knowing that their products are 100% natural and organic, with no additives or hidden toxins in them. I also appreciate that I can purchase a kit to keep stored and pull it out as needed so that it does not go bad in the waiting.

We use elderberry syrup as a preventative for when we are around others that have been sick and as a support to drastically reduce our sick time when virus or flu season hits. The last three years we have been sick only a number of times and when we did get sick our recovery time was greatly quickened by the use of this added product. For immune support we take 2 tsp a day and when sick we take 2 tsp four times a day. It has never failed us yet. In fact, as soon as one of my kiddos starts to feel a bit yucky I hear "mom, I need some elderberry please" because they know how great it works for them! I think that is pretty cool when a kiddo knows a product is good for them and wants it to make sure that they can feel their best.

#3 - An Essential Oil Diffuser

aromatherapy essential oil diffuser

If you read my back story above, you saw how essential oils are where we actually started in our wellness journey. Today, you can go into any one of my kiddos rooms, the living area, even our bedroom and find a diffuser, and most of the time we have one running at some location in the house - depending on where we are working at that day.

Essential oils are honestly one of the best places to start when looking to support natural health and wellness. Essential oils not only smell great, they also work to cleanse the air, provide mood support, are anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and host many other amazing anti-battling benefits. Essential oils can be used topically and through the olfactory sense of smell to provide all of these health and wellness supports.

For everyday health and wellness support using a diffuser is a great way to support the immune system. Not only does the essential oil get diffused and spread into the air allowing those oils to cleanse and purify the air and to kill and viral cells that are wafting around, but they are also entering the body through the senses and helping to boost our immune system, fight germ cells that enter into our bodies, and even to boost our mood and energize our minds and bodies. I think that is a WIN -WIN situation. Your house smells great, you are killing nasty invisible critters, you are helping yourself and your family stay well, AND you are naturally boosting the mood of everyone in the home. The diffuser pictured here is one of my favorites in the house. I love turning the lights down low in the evening, getting the oils going, and just having some relaxation time with the background scents of soothing and cleansing oils going while I read or watch the kiddos do their thing :)

As far as what oils to use: the options are seriously endless! My favorite blends for immune support and a wellness boost are listed right here for you to try :) Eden's Garden is my top favorite oil brand (we have used them exclusively for the past 10 years) and you can find all of these oils from their therapeutic line of oils.

Spicy Citrus Clear the Air

7 drops guardian 5 drops lemon

2 drops cinnamon 5 drops sweet orange

5 drops sweet orange 3 drops cedarwood

3 drops eucalyptus

All is Calm Soothing Wellness

3 drops lemongrass 3 drops peppermint

5 drops peppermint 5 drops blood orange

2 drops lavender 5 drops vanilla oleoresin

5 drops frankincense and myrrh

#4 - Essential Oils

What is an essential oil diffuser without essential oils right?!? Seriously, if you are brand new to natural wellness support or if you are just now broadening your horizons, essential oils are a wonderful natural product to put in your everyday wellness support regime. This post on the top 5 essential oils for your medicine cabinet is a great read for more in depth information about essential oils and it also has wonderful recipes you can use for everyday natural wellness. But you can see in this infographic below how multi-functional each of these oils can be. There are so many brands out there also - so be sure that you are looking at 100% therapeutic grade essential oils, not essential oil fragrances.

Need a place to find your oils....check out Eden's Garden!!! I absolutely love them and stand by them 100%. We have used them for over 10 years and I have loved every one of their oils and blends!

Top 5 Essential Oils and benefits

From easing headings, cleansing cuts, soothing upset tummies, to emotional support and stress relief, even relief from pain and arthritis, these oils are a go-to for natural support when an ailment arises. Essential oils have even been proven to reduce fever, decrease swelling, cleanse and heal abrasions, and of course, support the immune system and kill those yucky germs and bacteria that attack us daily. Whether diffusing, as above, inhaling, or applying topically natural relief and wellness support is at your fingertips with essential oils. Amazingly enough, when you rub an essential oil or blend onto your pulse points (diluted in a carrier oil) it goes immediately into your blood stream and gets right to the situation at hand. This is one way, in our household, we use essential oils beyond diffusing.

When our bodies are being attacked by pain, germs, mood swings, etc... we grab the blend we know will help support that issue. Blending oils for health and wellness is a true passion of mine and I love knowing that I can use them for support in our home. When using essential oils you have to make sure that the ratio of oil to carrier oil is properly diluted for the age of the person you are using oils on. Here is a great chart to help you with dilution rations for any DIY recipes you make at home.

Here is a natural recipe using the above oils to kick start your immune support using essential oils (be sure to use the dilution chart linked above if blending your own oils for the first time):

Ingredients / Supplies:

*3 Guardian essential Oil

*4 Lemon essential oil

*2 Orange essential oil

*2 Frankincense and Myrrh essential oil


Add drops of essential oils to the rollerball. Top off with carrier oil then close tightly. Gently shake or swirl to blend oils. Apply nightly on soles of feet to give a natural boost to the immune system. For intense therapy for colds and flu you can also apply this down the spine, to the pulse points and concentrate on the first three toes (big to middle) to help ease symptoms and fight viruses.

#5 - Golden Honey

Golden honey natural antibiotic

Golden honey is one of the most AMAZING NATURAL antibiotics you can get your hands on! When I first started this journey I was blown away at how easy it was to make this simple remedy, AND get my kiddo to take it! The taste of honey helps sweeten the turmeric and make it easier to go down, but they both have amazing natural superhero qualities that make it an absolute for the top 5 natural wellness support - especially when going back to school and being around all of those germs. This post has more information on many of the ways that golden honey can benefit our bodies, but for today we are just sticking with a simple golden honey paste we can take orally as a natural antibiotic.


Natural raw (local if possible) honey


Mix 1/2 tsp turmeric with 1 tsp honey, stir together well, then digest. Do this 2-3 times to naturally fight cold and flu symptoms.


Full Disclaimer: Some posts on this website contain amazon affiliate links. I only link what I have used myself and found to be therapeutic and beneficial to the natural health and wellness journey we are on. I also want to make it easy for you to get what you need quickly and affordably by providing these links to you. Each time you make a qualifying purchase from one of these links I earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. This also allows me a few extra dollars to continue creating and bringing you great wellness recipes and products that you can use and integrate into your own home :)


There you go friends - those are the top 5 natural remedies we use in our home for everyday health and wellness support. As the kiddos are starting back to school, getting around others, and those germs are becoming more rampart - I would highly suggest you look into adding one, a few, or even all of these options into your natural wellness routine.

I know we have used them all the time for wellness support and would not change a thing about them and how they have helped us in our home. Hopefully you too will find that they are great resources to have around for you and your family in your everyday natural wellness journey.

Let us know in the comments your favorite natural wellness support or aide and how it has helped to benefit you.

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Linked post references from above with additional material on natural products




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