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#Make-It Monday / All Natural Antibacterial Hand Soap

fall scented foaming antibacterial hand soap

Yay! Another week has hit and "all the things" are upon us :). BUT, first, know that I am here making your Monday just a little bit sweeter, or should I say.....cleaner and fresher ;).

This month is National Wellness Month and my focus has been on finding simple ways to help you integrate non-toxic cleaning and skin-care options into your home. It is amazing the simple changes that we can make, that sometimes we don't even think about, that can benefit our health and wellness for years to come.

Today, that simple change is your hand soap. If you are not using a toxin-free hand soap, or if you aren't sure what all of the ingredients in your hand soap are..... this DIY is a great one for you! It just uses three simple ingredients that are all natural, that you can pronounce, and that you know are good for your body.

This natural all purpose spray uses 3 simple ingredients:

*Castile Soap

*Distilled Water

*Essential oils of choice

(this recipe is guardian and blood orange)

Castile Soap - Castile soap is a versatile and natural soap that has been used for centuries for various cleaning and personal care purposes. It is typically made from vegetable oils, such as olive oil, and does not contain synthetic additives or harsh chemicals. While castile soap is primarily known for its cleaning properties, it is often lauded for its potential health benefits as well. Here are some potential health benefits associated with castile soap:

  1. Gentle on Skin

  2. Natural Ingredients

  3. Chemical-Free

  4. Multi-Purpose Cleaning

  5. Eco-Friendly

  6. Reduced Irritation

Essential Oils - I seriously could go on and on about my passion and love for essential oils and how they are superheroes in a bottle - oh wait, I have :) Check this post out to see why essential oils are the "bomb diggity".... sorry guys, my age is showing :) For this recipe we will be using essential oils that are supercharged with the best antibacterial agents, which there are several - so you can always change it up depending on the season to make your hand soap reflect the current season you are in :)

For you visual learners - Here is a video for you that shows you one of my favorite all time recipes for the all purpose spray - AND it is so simple I don't even have to say a word! Pretty Cool!

FYI- No, I am not a professional movie star ;), No, I am not a professional social media or web designer. I am a simple mom, wife, teacher, and lover of all things natural that simply just wants to share amazing things with you to help you in this natural journey too. So any goof ups you see or unprofessional videos - that is just me being real you guys - and I would not have it any other way :)

Not a visual learner - I got you! I love reading things for myself too!

Natural Antibacterial Hand Soap

3 TBSP Castile Soap

distilled water

8 drops Guardian essential oil

5 drops Blood Orange essential oil

(essential oils can be interchanged and/or omitted depending on your scent preferences - just make sure to not go over 13 total drops of oil)

Add castile soap and essential oils to dispenser. Top off with distilled water. Leave a little head room in the bottle for the pump to fit so it does not overflow. Place pump on bottle, gently swirl, and then use as needed to wash hands.

Want to know other oils that you can easily integrate for their anti-bacterial purposes? These are my top 5 suggested oils for health and wellness support. Any of these would be a great switch-a-roo for you.

top 5 essential oils and their properties chart

There you have it friends. A simple, easy, NATURAL DIY that you can easily and safely use to integrate natural toxin-free skin-care into your home today! Enjoy the making and be sure to let me know your favorite scents as you create your own favorite blend of smells for this hand soap!

hand soap label for fall

Need a pretty label for your hand soap?

Get it here for free :)

Happy Monday and Happy Making my natural friends!

signature of name


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